Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Welcome to ME! or from ME! or....err....well then.

Hello Everyone!

I figured it was about time that I ventured into the world of blogging. This is my first ever post on my first ever blog. I don't promise to update it regularly. In fact, if this is my one and only post, you will know that my foray into blogging has been a complete and total failure. But, if my wildest dreams come true, then it will be a showcase of some of my writing, creative and otherwise, and that would be a wonderful way to waste some time.

Why start this page? Why now? Well, I have to admit that the only reason I started was because I wanted to leave a comment on my friend's blog, to tell her that I liked her quirky style of prose, but she didn't allow annonymous comments on her page, so I had to ACTUALLY get my own blog to leave a comment. Humph.....thanks, a lot, CRYSTAL! Actually, I sincerely thank you, Crystal, for a blog by me was long past due.

I am frightfully happy that my blog's name and site location were available. I must admit, I spent 10 freakin minutes wondering from what the heck address I wanted it located, and in the time it took to write this entry, I have completely forgotten its address. Nonetheless, I remember being quite pleased that it was available, and I also remember that it was a Star Wars reference. Ahh there it is....popped back into my aged brain. STUPID BRAIN!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there! Glad to see that you have a blog now! How cool. :) Now, to get you hooked on Livejournal, where *all* the peeps is at!

I'm bookmarking you. I love reading blogs. :)

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, thanks for going through my blog to get to Crystal's. Poop on you.

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn it, now I look bad. Thanks for putting a link to my site up. I will put a link on mine for yours.

9:21 AM  

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