Tuesday, April 12, 2005

My child tries to catch the moon

It is pretty adorable. Whenever he sees the moon in the sky, he first points it out to me.
"Dada. Moon!"

Then he jumps up in the air and grabs at it. When he comes down with nothing in his little fist, he goes "Uh Oh."

That doesn't deter him though. He tries and tries again to get that moon. And eventually, he turns to his big old dad and says "Dada. Get Moon!" At which point I have to jump up and try to grab it. Which leads to another "Uh Oh!"

The cheery-eyed optimist / email forward story would say something like this: "Isn't it amazing what you will try and accomplish when failure won't deter you? If only we had that kind of spirit, that nothing will keep us down and that we can do anything if only we try that one more time, think of what we could do!"

The bleary-eyed pessimist would say something like this: "As I watched him try and try for that moon, knowing that he will never reach it, I thought of all the future failures that he would face in his life, and hoped somehow that he would set his sight on attainable goals that wouldn't lead to depression and defeat."

On the other other hand, I say this instead: "You know, it would be a lot cuter if my child weren't 15 years old."


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