Saturday, October 22, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me....(cough, wheeze, hack)

Well, I am now the indistinct age of 32. Yesterday, for my birthday, I got to work for eight hours, and be miserably sick all day. As a matter of fact, I have been sick for the last six days, and this illness shows no sign of going away as of yet. I managed to catch it from my wife just as she was getting better, after she had it for some two weeks. And my child has a minor form of it as well, I think, though thankfully not like me. Sore throat, coughing, and congestion rack my aging body. I couldn't have any party, as to not infect my friends. My wife's brother did come by yesterday, though, which was nice. He seems to think he is immune from such petty things as viruses, so I had one visitor for my birthday. We went out to Chang's Mongolian Grill, which I had never experienced. It was pretty unique, and very tasty. Mongolian (or Mexican, I believe is more accurate) cooks manned a huge round grill, where they take a pile of raw items that the consumer chooses and fry it up right in front of everyone.

My wife had her first ultrasound on Friday. The child is doing well, although it was moving around so fast that the doctor had difficulty getting a picture. Apparently, we will be having a tazmanian devil baby. That must be Sandi's genes. :-)

This has been a rather disjointed entry. Forgive me....I feel like dooky.


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